by digitalrefresh | Oct 31, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorised
In a society where food and drink establishments play an increasingly important role, it should come as no surprise that bar equipment suppliers are in high demand. High-end machinery can constitute a significant advantage in any kitchen or back-of-bar area, and with...
by digitalrefresh | Jul 8, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorised
At DK Services, we’re proud to present a tremendous selection of ice makers, dishwashers and more, going above and beyond to present you with bar equipment that you just couldn’t do without. That’s why our stock is full of top quality bar equipment and appliances that...
by digitalrefresh | Feb 9, 2016 | Blog
Glass washer rentals sound like a fantastic idea right off of the bat precisely because they do exactly what their name might suggest, and because no-one wants to be stuck washing dishes all day when things get busy and their attention is needed elsewhere, but their...